It's honestly a joke at this point

How many examples do you need for it to be clear? It sounds like you're trying to make it seem like a silly football (soccer) video game has inelastic demand. That's not true, hilariously untrue.

There's absolutely no reason for someone to buy the game if it's complete garbage. If there's nothing there worth the money. But people buy it, again and again, year after year. That's the whole concept here.

And yet you still claim it's not "worth" it, that there's some scam here.

People know what, exactly what, they are getting. It's not fraud.

There's a billion "games" out there, even if only one FIFA game. It's not a monopoly.

There's a thousand billion other things you could do with your money, like eat. It's not inelastic demand.

You're just trying to make it into something it's not because you personally don't like the business model. It's not patently unfair, it's not "consumer protection" territory, it's not criminal, it's not anything.

So... what? What are you even trying to say?

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