"I have honestly turned guys down before because they were TOO nice and accommodating to me." RedPill truths everywhere in r/askmen.

Found a link in those comments to this thread about the difference between boyfriend/fwb material and husband material. That thread produced this little piece of perfection:

I've been married for 15 years, so I may be a bit biased....but while being separated from my spouse for a couple of those years and seeing other people...this is what I discovered about my husband against other men that made me ultimately return to wanting the man I had originally married:

A boyfriend may make you feel sexually satisfied, give you attention, and throw wads of cash around to make you feel special. A boyfriend may tend to feel like they just have to show you that they can sweep you off your feet, and give you the best orgasm of your life to win your heart. It's really hit or miss on whether he wants to meet your friends or family, because he's more consumed with himself than in the future the two of you have.

A great husband knows that you're a rockstar in bed, but understands when you don't feel great and instead of asking for a blowjob or thinking he can "orgasm" your headache away he runs to Walgreens at 3 a.m. for an bottle of excedrin and a 7-up.

Husband material guy tells you when you're being ridiculous. He doesn't flash money around simply to show it off, but he will make sure you're taken care of, and tells you if he doesn't appreciate the way you spend money rather than simply raising an eyebrow and opening a separate account. He isn't closed off from communicating about his goals, he wants to share them with you...including long-term ones like vacations and retirement ideas.

Husband material maybe sends your mom flowers on your birthday to tell her thanks for you. He digs that you have individual traits/goals that compliment his rather than seeing them as competition towards time with you.

Good husband material guy also cares about your health, not because it affects your outer appearance, but because it affects how you feel...and your happiness means you'll get to stick around and be there for those end life goals the two of you have planned together.

Pure fucking gold. "Husbands are so great and wonderful that I had to go fuck other guys for a bit just to remind myself that mine is perfect."

/r/TheRedPill Thread