Honey bees exposed to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, lose some of the beneficial bacteria in their guts and are more susceptible to infection and death from harmful bacteria. Glyphosate might be contributing to the decline of honey bees and native bees around the world.

Since fewer than 20% of bees reintroduced to the hive were recovered, recovered bees may not represent the total effect of glyphosate on treatment groups.

The suggestion was that if there were lethal effects of glyphosate, a low recovery rate would underestimate the effect. The only way it could negatively impact their findings would be if glyphosate had a protective effect on bee survival, which seems somewhat unlikely, especially given the concurrence of their other experiments.

My point is that this paper will be used by people who refuse to actually read it, and while there are significant experiments that show a negative effect there are other experiments that are not as well-supported.

Well, my point was that the statistics were appropriate. You're free to criticize the paper on other grounds. For example, I'm not convinced the doses are relevant, or that the effects on bee health are relevant to the actual environmental conditions.

/r/science Thread Parent Link - pnas.org