Honey impact is back but…

Its a very tough situation. Honey has built a very nice website. It is one of the absolute best for looking up data on characters and weapons. Giving you quick access to base stats, ascension stats, and exact skill multipliers. Allowing you to theorize teams and do napkin math to figure out if something might work or not.

For better or worse they also have been a great website for exposing data mined information from beta patches. Which is where the problem comes in. Honey is profiting from having solid presentation and access to the next patches character/weapon data and Mihoyo has asked them to stop. Which Mihoyo has the right to do. I love Honey Impact and would prefer to see character kits in development, but that is Mihoyo's choice and no one has the right to profit from licensed content if the owner doesn't want their content used in a way they don't approve.

I'll probably keep using Honey impact but only because I don't agree with the gambling system in Mihoyo's game either. I love what they've created and feel like you can play the game fairly for $0-15 a month. But some people are still falling prey to gambling and damaging their lives. And I think the earlier we have access to any roadmap, the more likely people will plan their spending, rather than spend spastically every banner.

/r/Genshin_Impact Thread