In honor of 1000 subscribers we bring you the marvelous informative participatory PEAK TRANS THREAD!

So I've been lurking here for the past couple of days, and thought to leave my reasons for becoming a Radfem. Though, I wouldn't call it a peak trans moment, because I've always been a natural curious person of asking 'How, why and when'. And even as a child, though I've always been and still am, attracted to males, I've been very pro-female in wanting to see my sisters succeed and found myself rooting for them even if I didn't like them.

So when I got older, I found myself craving feminine energy and wanting to know what my fellow sisters thought about a movie, book or video game, etc. So the only way I found to do that is to type in "Feminist reviews..." or "Feminist thoughts..." [because typing in Wimminz thoughts on Hunger Games", wasn't going to bring me to what I was looking for]. By using the term feminism, I was able to finally get my sister's critical and even philosophical thoughts on our man-made world. How refreshing! However, this didn't last long. Because back then, I had no idea that there were different branches within feminism, so I only kept coming across: "feminism is for er'body!", "Feminism is all about teh menz" and "Feminism is for menz peen, so pro-porn!" . By this point, I was like "Okay, I'm done with feminism. I don't agree with this message and I'm sick of these dudes stinkin' up the place with their presence." So I left, or more like stopped lurking at those sites. Until I realized that the only way I could read criticism about the sexism in the media that I just watched/read/played was by going back to a feminist site [Teh menz no touch stuff like that, cause to them, it doesn't exist! Or sometimes it does, but not all the time...Just when he feels like it does or says so.]. So I'm back at defining myself as a feminist, but reluctantly.

That's when I started to notice this trend of "Oh my gosh! Like I hate humans so much! I can't believe how cruel we are and how not accepting we are even in 20xx!! I wept thinking about how our movement has to share space with such cruel people who don't accept transwomen as our sisters!". I'm like, 1) who are these cruel people that aren't accepting? and 2) what is a transwoman? Once I found out that a transwoman is a dood that has dem laydee feelz, I was still on the fence like "Well, it could be possible? It could not be? I don't know.". And that's when I got curious about who these evvvvvvuuuul wimminz were that wasn't accepting of these doodz wit dem laydee feelz. I searched high and low for them, but couldn't find them. I gave up.

By this time I still haven't given up on feminism and I'm still trudging through [what I now know as libfem or funfem] sites, until I come across what you could call a borderline radfem site. Her site kills it on explaining why porn is so harmful. Once I'm done with her site, I decided to click one of her links on the sidebar to read more about feminist being anti-porn, and one of those sites leads me to what I've been searching for; radfems!

Women who aren't afraid to speak there minds. Women who get to the root of the problem. Women who actually focus on putting women first! Yes, this is what I am. This is what I need. This is what empowers me and gives me so much to think on and to grow on.

So, in a way, it was anti-feminist/misogynist supporting transwomen that led me to discovering radical feminism and to me discovering what I've always been. One of those "Thank you haters!" moments.

/r/GenderCritical Thread