In honor of the Ides of March, what was a time you were stabbed in the back by your closest friends?

8 years ago. Freshman year of high school. I cringe every time I think back to it....

I didn't really fit in too well because I was new to the district after moving out of my mom's house and going to live with my dad. I was in middle school in the same district for a couple months but I was extremely depressed over the switch that I had to make at such short notice. (I was picked up in the middle of the day at my old middle school and started a new life with my dad with pretty much nothing but what I had brought to school with me that day).

Getting to the actual backstab... I had a crush on this girl. She was awesome we talked a bit and she always went out of her way to say hi to me every day even if I wasn't at my normal spot. My "friends" at the time decided to hatch a plan behind my back involving mass public humiliation.

Over spring break I got a text from a random number telling me it was my crush, being the naive freshman I was, I believed it. Spring break was 2 weeks in this district so I texted my "crush" everyday hours on end while I was on a vacation with my dad and sister. When I finally returned to school we talked like normal and it didn't seem like she wasn't the person I was talking to the entire break. After about another week my "crush" texted me that we should start dating. I was ecstatic! A new school, new friends, and now what I thought to be a relationship forming! Wow was I wrong. The next day at lunch I was eating with her and her friends and I asked about our date later we had planned and everything just went dead quiet and I finally put some obvious pieces together and discovered what happened. Not only was I laughed at by her and her friends, my "friends" also watched from a few tables away and started laughing so loud the entire outdoor lunch area we were at went quiet. I've never been so embarrassed in my life. I ended up working things out with my actual crush and her friends so we were great friends for the remainder. After that year, however, I told my dad I wanted to switch schools so I wouldn't have to ever see those people again.

I never really bothered trying to get into a relationship after that. I don't know I'm pretty scarred from it. I should get over it but even typing it out again makes me feel uneasy.

TLDR; "Friends" texted me for two weeks pretending to be my crush. Ruined my spring break, social life at that high school, and ability to want to seek out a relationship.

/r/AskReddit Thread