Is hookup culture really all their is now?

No there aren’t just hookups. If you don’t want to hookup, don’t hookup it’s simple. I haven’t been on a hookup in over a year and a half, met my bf around the beginning of this year and we didn’t do anything sexual until the 3rd or 4th date. We didn’t even make our relationship official until after 3 months of us dating because we didn’t want to rush into something just for it to end quickly without any foundation. I feel really stable with him now and I’m hoping we can continue to build our relationship for the future. I didn’t settle for a hookup because I decided after I turned 19 that hookups were just not my thing and they just left me feeling more lonely at the end of the night. Idk if you want a relationship and not a hookup you’re gonna need more boundaries and don’t feel the need to rush into anything too quickly without really knowing the person yet.

/r/askgaybros Thread