I hope this fits here

Health reasons: I used to be vegetarian, kept getting anaemic despite taking non-heme iron supplements and eating “iron rich” foods. Zinc deficiency caused skin issues like periorifical dermatitis and white spots and bands on all of my nails. I appear to need more zinc than the average person to keep up my levels. Was advised to take a zinc supplement along with eat meat and take a vit C supplement by my doctor. My body is horrible at absorbing non-heme iron and enough zinc. Still rarely eat meat (one or twice a week) but my iron levels are much better especially when I eat red meat. I listened to my doctor’s advice.

I think you fail to realise that humans can separate the two; you can love your dog and respectfully consume animals at the same time. Stop attacking non vegans and telling them they don’t love their animals, which is a delusional load of BS.

For example, my neighbour has a therapy dog. They suffer from PTSD and depression. They rescued their dog from the local pound. Their dog had been abused in the past. They connected like you wouldn’t believe. And they love each other so much. But my neighbour isn’t a vegan. So that automatically means that they don’t love their dog, who is an animal, according to your logic.

Stop acting like you’re superior to others because in your eyes you’re on a higher moral ground. That’s only going to turn people away from veganism, not towards it.

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