I hope that no one ever gets to be the second option..

Fun story, I recently deleted Grindr and Tinder because I have a load of deadlines and don't have the time to deal with someone else's shit right now, but the last guy I spoke to, I had this happen.

I had been talking to him for a while, things seemed to be going well, and we had arranged for a date on the Friday before Easter. It got to Thursday and he hadn't spoken to me all day. I messaged him, asking what the plans were. "About that" Turns out he works with a guy he'd previously been with and they broke up because that guy didn't want anything serious. When he discovered this, he told date guy that he didn't want him to be with anyone else, so I got cancelled on, so they could 'give it another shot'.

I can understand seeing multiple guys whilst you're dating, it's expected, but cancelling on one is an active choice of someone else over me, and I do not enjoy being the backup choice. I was told "we might not even work out, so I understand if you want to continue talking" and I was like; Nah, pass.

Tl;Dr Got cancelled on so he could get back with dude he already broke up with. Silver medal blows.

/r/askgaybros Thread