She is a Horrible Sister

Oh my goodness! This could be my sister(s). They all are wealthy. They all live in SO. Cal. When our Mom died? I came all the way out from Oregon and stayed in a hotel waiting and hoping MOmma would see me. I got a call from my big brother telling me to go home, I wasn't wanted there. (I've never had a fight w/TImmy, ever) My sisters both stated they didn't want me there. My whole life I got beat (physically and mentally) from my Mother while she left the others alone. I do not know why. I've never known why. At Christmas? We'd all sit around opening presents? I just got to watch! My Mom would sit there smiling to see if I'd crack. At dinner? There'd be no place set for me. I begged my sisters to stop ignoring the abuse. They didn't. Mom had a lot of money you see. My sisters voice would be this one writing in complaining about me: she's poor, disabled.....doesn't like to shop. Has NO cell phone nor TV.

I'm going to claim this for me too! I hope this gets lost in all of the responses as maybe someone would want to attack me over saying this. I even walked away from my Dad who is the most racist, homophobic, liar who used to beat me till blood ran down my legs if he thought I was lying. He also has a couple of Million that my rich siblings are lusting over...... I had an exceptionally awful last phone call where my dad was lying to me and making fun of me. That was about 6 months ago and you know what? I haven't missed him at all.

Today I have my son tiffer, my old girl and now baby Ollie (a tank) who all love me unconditionally and I'm so grateful. I'm trustworthy, kind, NOBLE, and I feel so blessed. Sorry for the rant.

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