Horrified graduates flee as planes attack crowds with hats.


Viewers be aware; OP is what is known as a karma farmer.

Much like the gold farmers you find in most online RPG games, the sole purpose of OP is to amass large amounts of karma. He/She does this by digging up old (usually +1yr) popular content, and reposting them again. Just look at their history, most if not all of them are reposts.

Why? Because people actually pay money for high karma accounts.

Dont be OPs mule, downvote his garbage and tag him if you have RES.

Same title and everything:

title points age /r/ comnts
Horrified graduates flee as planes attack crowds with hats 693 1yr funny 14
defenseless graduates flee as planes bombard the stadium with hats 3166 5mos funny 257
Horrified graduates flee as fighter jets attack crowd with hats 92 1yr pics 2
Horrified graduates flee as fighter jets attack crowd with hats 1831 2yrs photoshopbattles 153
Horrified graduates flee as fighter jets attack crowd with hats 2034 2yrs funny 623
Me and my brothers celebrating 204 2yrs pics 94
xpost from pics... but super epic... airforce graduation 487 3yrs PerfectTiming 7
Air Force Graduation Ceremony 1374 3yrs pics 879
Horrified graduates flee as fighter jets attack the crowd with hats 281 6dys pics 9
United States Air Force Academy Graduation with USAF Thunder Birds (my perspective in 2 years) B 16 3yrs MilitaryPorn 3

Source: karmadecay (B = bigger)

/r/funny Thread Link - i.imgur.com