This is horrifying

This year there have only been about 8 people to die from school shootings, and about 10 people who were injured. It's difficult to define what a school shooting actually is so I just went with people who enter a school and start shooting people, not a person with a gun entering the school and killing one target and leaving everyone else alone, or people getting shit within the vicinity of a school. So whenever you go to school in the US you have a 1 in 18,000,000 chance of getting shot. Which is low if you're too stupid to understand the concept of numbers, I know right! Isn't it insane how people in America aren't just completely batshit insane, and they don't try killing everything they see? It's almost as if the news is making people incredibly paranoid about everything, so they get more people to watch there garbage! Wouldn't that be crazy!

/r/ANormalDayInAmerica Thread Link -