Horrifying indifference to children’s lives | The Trump administration certainly is responsible for death of a child in its custody.

”They are trying to get people to cross at actual borders”

Two things.

  1. I understand that premise but yet that’s precisely what the current administration is not doing. They’re discouraging and thwarting attempts to cross at official ports of entry. I wish they weren’t. I wish that more resources were allocated to processing people efficiently and humanely at those official locations. I’m not saying everyone gets asylum. I’m saying everyone gets processed effficiently and humanely in a timely manner.

People are crossing at other places and then turning themselves in for processing because such a negative uncertain atmosphere is being created at those ports. If you have truly looked into this new policy and the lack of logistical planning and disagree we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

2) Because of the policies mentioned above more people will be crossing through dangerous environments. They are desperate. I understand that. I empathize with them. I have compassion. I wish our ports of entry were efficient and humane. And I also understand there will be children among those people and I know that removing the water won’t deter them and even more will die.

It’s not just the water removal that is evidence of depraved indifference. It’s the lack of attention to the need to create humane and efficient processing centers at the port of entry.

The rhetoric of Trump and his folllowers (infestation etc) betrays the indifference.

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