Hospital Stories

Frustrating Stories-

  • They didn't give me bandages or antibiotic ointment for my cuts until the third day, after I'd asked a LOT. I've never gotten an infection before, but I'm pretty sure I did then- they were literally oozing, and I didn't have anything to fix it with so I just stuffed my sleeves with toilet paper :( I'm still pretty pissed it took them so long to get me something, especially because I was asking several times a day, every day

  • When I finally got some bandages, the nurse patching me up straight up said "Honey you're too pretty to hurt yourself, I wish you would stop". wtf? So if I wasn't pretty my SH wouldn't matter? I get that she meant well but jesus, that pissed me off too

  • Got in trouble for saying their group therapy session was bs, because they were doing this stupid thing where they asked who had depression/anxiety/was struggling with addiction, etc etc and everyone who fit that category had to raise their hand. When they got to 'raise your hand if you've been molested' I flipped out a bit. That's not okay. It's not fucking okay. I'm still mad about it.

  • Every single time they offered me a meal replacement shake. Ugh. Please just leave me alone.

  • Every single time I had to talk while I showered, to let the nurse know I hadn't hung myself with the shower curtain or whatever.


  • The morning after I was admitted (so the start of my first day, I was admitted at like 12am and went straight to bed, it sucked) I was crying in the day room and a girl sat beside me and put her arm around me, and it meant so much, you have no idea. Of course 30 seconds later a nurse came along and told us to knock it off, bc of the no touching rule. So that's great.

  • They had great pizza. Not really a story but it's worth mentioning. Seriously, it was some really good pizza.

  • On my last day a dude cornered me in the day room and would not stop talking about mudding, and how his ex gf hated it and that's why they broke up. He was a perfectly nice guy, but dear god, when you don't know what mudding is 30+ minutes talking about it can seem like an eternity

I'm sorry these aren't the funny stories you were probably expecting, but it was just an overall shitty time lol

I'm glad you're okay, that sounds absolutely terrifying! Hope things just keep getting better for you <3

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