Hot take here, but how many of you have listened to hot takes from fantasy 'experts' like Yates and Berry and actually won a serious league with 10 or more active members..

Barry was pretty tolerable about 15 years ago when he hadn't gotten mainstreamish success and had Nate Raditz and Pod Vader there to call him out on his shit. Back then there were hardly any sources for pure fantasy advice/info etc and just getting the injury reports from Stephania Bell made the show worth it. I remember getting a question read on air (I think I'd be like 16 at the time ?) and was pretty proud of it. I won a few leagues while listening to them. Of course back then people weren't spoon fed information to where the casual player could auto set a lineup to a championship. The level of advice needed to make a difference now is much much higher.

/r/fantasyfootball Thread