The House just passed HR230, repealing FCC Internet Privacy Rules preventing ISPs from selling your browsing history. Every vote in favor of the repeal was republican. Does this change any of your opinions on the republican party/Is this acceptable?

I'm playing devils advocate here, i don't agree with this but i could see how one could make the case that this would boost the economy or at least create a new sector where vpn services are popular, necessary, and well known. using a good vpn service would prevent the government from spying on you as easily. In my opinion your browsing history is doomed to be watched and sold with or without this bill. This bill will just make it explicitly easier and happen a lot sooner than expected. I feel like as time progresses having internet will always be in a constant battle like this between personal privacy and corporations/big-brother and as long as we keep making things that prevent the corporations or government from winning, it will always be a free and open internet. It's just a matter of educating people on who can see their history and how they can prevent them from doing that. i certainly don't support this bill but the problem is too few people understand it or are willing to oppose the president to make it go away.

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