US House of Representatives Again Passes Marijuana Reform Bill

Best part about this, looked through your profile and see that we agree on a lot of things, even have a lot of the same hobbies and would probably get along great irl. Politics, games, Ableton, etc.

I hate smoking, I quit successfully last year for almost a full year, and then in November my daughter (who I’m raising entirely by myself and have been for 10 years) ended up in the hospital for a week unexpectedly, and overwhelmed with stress I spiraled for a moment and fell back into smoking. When she was born, I was an assistant manager at a RadioShack, have since worked my ass off and am now a creative marketing lead for an international clothing co, and I worked twice as hard to get here without a college degree.

I don’t know what happened to you to despise smokers so much, or what industry you’re in that it’s causing such a toll on your opinion of people. If it’s an unskilled industry like warehouse work or manual labor, well it doesn’t take much productivity to land those jobs to begin with, so I’m sure you have to deal with a lot more people that exhibit that as a general trait, and would probably see that in them regardless of whether or not they smoked. As for myself, I’m a month ahead on the projects I need to complete, it doesn’t affect my productivity at all. And I’m currently working through three freelance projects on top of my full time job.

Maybe you should consider some type of career change if you’re unhappy with the type of people you’re working with, because despite having so much in common belief and hobby wise, I’d never treat anyone I worked with like a dog.

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