How do I (23 f) stop being jealous of other women being more feminine than me?

I'm a woman who leans toward masculine hobbies, and also a huge video game/computer/aviation nerd. I would agree that women with traditionally masculine hobbies tend to be discouraged from presenting femininity, because it's often associated with incompetence in these spheres. I've had female friends and sisters throughout my life of varying degrees of femininity, and I'll admit I was at one point pretty insecure about my lack thereof.

In my adulthood I've found two things:

  1. I've learned how to tap into my own femininity in ways that are comfortable for me. While I still dress in mostly black and wear a tshirt and jeans to work most days, I found ways that makeup/shoes/clothes can suit me best. This is certainly a process, and I was well out of high school before I started to get the hang of it.

  2. I care less what others think. It used to bother me that people perceived me as more masculine than some of my peers, and of course it sometimes still does, but as I started to gain footing in my life and my career my concern diminished. It's also helped tremendously that I have an SO who has never made me feel uncomfortable or ashamed of this part of myself.

Society has for a long time women into performing femininity, and that's exactly what you and I both feel compelled to do: perform. I'd encourage you to try new things, explore your own style and hobbies, and take on whatever you enjoy, because the only person you have to live with is yourself.

/r/askwomenadvice Thread