How do I(23F) cope with being single forever?

Most likely you are being way too selective and the guys you want have options.

Every time I've known a woman who couldn't find a date, she was projecting as unavailable/uninterested and rejected the guys who did ask her out. Many of them were overly selective, unrealistic about their own attractiveness relative to the guys they wanted, or had a self-defeating attitude that any guy that asked them out couldn't be any good.

So, work on appearing available/interested and say yes when someone asks you on a date. Ask your friends to set you up with friends of their BFs. Pick hobbies that are co-ed and might interest guys that you find attractive. Trade the book club or knitting club for a gaming club or martial arts. Join a co-ed sports league where people go for drinks afterward.

Life isn't a Disney movie. You don't normally get in a long term relationship because you instantly fall in love with someone you cross glances with at a party and live happily ever after.

Dating does take practice. Even if you end up casually dating some guys that aren't exactly what you want, the practice of dating will help you narrow down what you want and make it more likely things will work when you find the right guy.

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