How to get a 3.9-4.0 ?

Sacrifice and Self-Discipline.

The things you said above are correct, but none of which can be achieved without sacrifice and send-discipline.

it’s important to note that everybody wants to be a hard worker until it’s time to actually put in the work.

I remember taking my MBA, going to school full time, working full-time, going to the gym and then getting home at 11pm and having to unwillingly force myself to take a cold shower just to stay awake long enough to study and do homework and projects due the next day and then sleep 5hrs only to do it all over again.

Weekends had to catch up on what I didn’t complete by putting in 8-10hr sessions.

Graduated now but damn.. that was some of the toughest times I’ve ever experienced.

If OP has free time, it should be much easier but don’t ever underestimate how much sacrifice and self-discipline one needs in order to get a 4.0.

But that’s essentially what self-discipline is.. just doing what you said you were going to do, when you’re going to do it, wether you feel like it or not, every single day.

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