How About That...

Also if you read the VOX piece they didn't bring up the haircut to directly suggest he was a dressing like a Nazi. They were discussing the fact that alt-right blogs thought his fashion changes were part of his attempt to appeal to the alt-right.

In August, one neo-Nazi website pointed out several perceived examples of Kjellberg appearing to express Nazi sympathies, including the observation that Kjellberg had appeared in videos sporting fashion arguably similar to Nazi fashion: “recently he has been wearing Himmler style glasses and sporting a fashy [slang for fascist] Hitler Youth haircut.”

The website also noted that Kjellberg had recently included images of Hitler and related Nazi imagery in his videos, and that the references didn’t appear to be ironic in any way, which led the writer to believe Kjellberg was being sincere in his use of them.

In addition to more overt Nazi symbolism, Kjellberg makes references to the alt-right that are veiled but obvious if you know where to look. In one video from late August, he makes an extended racist joke comparing Harambe the gorilla to Saturday Night Live and Ghostbusters actress and comedian Leslie Jones, echoing the widespread politically tinged, racist harassment that Jones endured last summer, largely from the alt-right.

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