How about just date other transbians instead since “girldick” is so valid and stunning.

There are plenty of lesbians, as in actual ones, as in people of the female sex who are homosexual, here because it's one of the last places we can express our frustration with people like you.

Me, who has done literally nothing except exist.

Bold of you to assume this is the only place I've seen this kind of talk.

Yea i know you spend a ton of time on transphobic fourms looking at the worst things you can find trans folk say.

And where's the "joke" in this OP?

There is no joke in what op posted, its literally a trans person going, "some lesbians have sexual and romantic relationships with trans women" you just disagree with the definition of lesbian including trans folk. Its not outlandish by any means and most of the lgbt community is fine with it.

So how are gay people meant to not be "transphobic" other than forcing ourselves to be interested in members of the opposite sex trying to pass themselves off as members of the same sex?

I assume you're referring to how we legally define sex as "a sum total of male and female aspects" as you literally cannot see what biological sex someone is without testing what gametes they produce.

If a person has a more feminine body, and a vagina, you wouldn't exactly tell them they arent a female until you can test them.

Like are you saying that no lesbians are attracted to trans women? Even ones that pass super well? That every lesbian whos been attracted to trans women is actually bi? Humans are attracted to traits, not just concepts.

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