How to Achieve A Well Rounded Financial House

Have you ever had a critique of an inappropriate /r/PersonalFinancecanada post offered to you? Do you think you have a suitable /r/PersonalFinancecanada post? Unfortunately a self-promoting bit of blogspam with a regrettably patronizing tone at its opening is not a sound post. That is why I wanted to share some of the key components of an /r/PersonalFinanceCanada post.

Not all of the areas discussed in this comment will be applicable to you right now (for example, since you didn't post a referral code then you've at least avoided that faux pas) but it is important to always be aware of what is important right now, importantly, and what will be later on. Which is also important. This brings up another important point, your future posts should and hopefully will change!

A comprehensive /r/PersonalFinancecanada post will follow these five rules from the sidebar:

  • Support your question(s) with facts relevant to your question(s) which may include such things as your budget, goals, risk tolerance, age, etc.

  • Please do NOT include signatures in your message advertising your business/blog/website. If you provide services that you believe could assist a user please instead state what you do and ask that they PM you for details.

  • Please do NOT post referral codes.

  • Blog posts (including your own blog) are okay as long as they contribute to the community and are not primarily advertising for a business. Users are asked to flag posts for removal that they consider inappropriate.

  • Please be respectful and contribute to topic/questions

Read and follow the sidebarred rules comment

/r/PersonalFinanceCanada Thread