How to actually stay motivated to learn how to code

It’s a number done on various studies over a long period and over a vast amount of different habits. And not only learning them, but also unlearning the bad ones. I’ll try to find the paper for you later, but yes I can quote a number like that when it’s been posted in a scientific journal in a peer reviewed environment, that’s how it goes. It’s never about the brain power (student neuroscience myself) it’s about forming the habit, which can be tasking like working out or sprinting every morning, or something simple like doing the dishes after you’ve eaten.

Now obviously a number like 60-63 isn’t full proof either, I’m sure it was mentioned in that research, by the 21 myth needs to die ASAP and I’m just tied of people not researching stuff up and just spreading them around.

Just like the “use warm showers to open your pores”

Pores don’t open or close don’t have muscle tissue ffs.

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