How to adapt calories to exercise?

Well how tall are you and what is your weight? I've noticed smaller people have a much harder time with this because food isn't packaged for them. That, and they are used to eating more food than is proportional to them, but that is often societal as portions are bigger than we need. But I will say, as a 6'2" 280lb male, I'm still hungry at 2000 calories if I exercise that day. My maintenance calories are just shy of 3k, so to effectively lose weight, I have to maintain a 1k calorie defecit. I don't record my exercise which is moderately intense, so my true maintenance calories accounting for that would be about 3400-3600 calories daily. You and I feel about the same, but your energy needs are different and you can't eat like I do and expect the same results. Likewise, I can't eat like you and expect to be alive. Our needs are all different.

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