How do you afford to throw a fun birthday party?!

I hope you can find some info that helps! If theres anything too concerning you could also consult a pediatric psychologist/ psychiatrist depending on what the thoughts are. For me specifically reading up on the actual brain development part helped. Like kids have certain overactive/ under active areas when compared to an adult. That helped me spot my sons ADHD and has definitely helped understand that. Also all kids are different so its good to have that give em grace thing going on too. Kids are just super super weird lol. Like the amount of nonsense I’ve seen and heard of kids doing…i just don’t get surprised by much at this point with the little humans. Used to thing my cousin with ADHD was insane as a kid. Looking back? Just ADHD. Kid would pee on the electric horse fence to zap his privates. But now his IQ is top 0.001% of the world and he works for the government…lol so basically what im saying is im sure she will turn out okay if you keep doing what youre doing for her!

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