How to Aim - Help an Ensign

This tutorial should honestly be entirely deleted. It is purely false information.

The seconds timer just shows the time it takes for the shell, not the distance the aim needs to be at. Distance is very obviously speed dependent A target at 20km moving at 0 knots needs a different lead than 5 knots, than 10 knots, than 15 knots, than 20 knots, than 25 knots, than 30 knots, than 35 knots, than 40 knots.

If a target is 20km away and it says 20 seconds, the target could be sitting stationary, or at 1/4th speed, or at 2/4th speed, 3/4th speed or 4/4th speed. Using the fake info of the video, you'd shoot at tick 20 and miss your entire salvo on 3 of these 4 different speed ships.

It's not even accurate for enemies simply traveling at their maximum speed setting. That only works with a standard crosshair and a 20 knot victim or dynamic crosshair with a 30 knot victim. If the victim is a russian DD doing 40 knots instead of 20 knots, you'll miss 100% of the time using Zoup's fake method, because you'd actually need to aim at 40 ticks on standard crosshair to hit the target even though he's 20 seconds away.

Likewise, using dynamic crosshair (which uses 30 knot victims), an enemy cruiser doing 20 knots because he's bled some speed turning is not going to be hit if you use the same ticks as seconds. The shells will all land in front of his nose, especially after he sees the excessive lead and hits the brakes/turns sideways to slow even further.

NoZoup does not actually understand how aiming works in the game. This video is harmful to new players rather than helpful, it is giving the wrong method and wrong answer simultaneously.

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