How Amnesty International Failed Alexei Navalny

I live in the USA, born here in 1939. The American Left promotes many good policies but for the most part those are overridden by entrenched America and West hate, anti capitalism and various forms of socialism and in some cases communism and anarchism. They have done a lot of damage to real progressives' hopes and plans for straightforward social and environmental programs. I was directly affected by that, My long term online Permaculture project was corrupted and sidelined by their activism. They pick their victims, Navalny, this time, and make them their worst enemy. They did it to me and my work. Nothing is too good for them and they never have enough. They do NOT stand up for the common man, the disenfranchised, the underprivileged or even the middle class (they probably think of them as pawns of capitalist monopolies). They are not interested in helping people pull themselves up, become self sufficient and survive in good health with a reasonable lifestyle through community self help and building strong local economies. That would be too effective and enable them to be independent. They might shun The Left's goal of subverting capitalist government and replacing it with a socialist one. I call them useful idiots, pawns useful to Putin's corrupt regime if not outright pro Russia. There is plenty wrong with Western capitalism but it is light years better than dictatorship (Putin or Trump), communism or even socialism (select useful elements of socialism to use to build and stabilize local economies and communities - see Mondragon in Spain for an example). One lefty I know (a brilliant, well educated, accomplished professional) chose to abandon his Permaculture movement in favor of working toward leftist political goals and eliminating capitalism claiming the ethical high ground as justification). People can't stay alive consuming political ideologies, they need food and they need to grow it themselves.

For AI to turn against Navalny is unthinkable. I will ignore them from now on.

In addition to the Left, elements of the pro Trump radical right Republican community are pro Russia. Trump himself showed that he would not stand in the way of Russian aggression.

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