How Anakin was soo seductive

I hosted a party in college and this girl had a a drink or two (but I was bartending, so not more than two) and kept looking at me like that. I mean really, it was so clear that she wanted to talk to me. I was also on LSD which was cool.

Next time she came over for a drink she’s looking at me HARD. I asked her if she would like to have a drink with me in my bedroom. She said yes, I was painted blue, she didn’t care, we had fun, my best friend came into the room to check on me (also blue) and said something like “Uh hey, the bars has a line.” Meanwhile we’re getting blue all over each other, so I look up from this pretty brunette who I’m quickly realizing wants me to herself for the foreseeable future. I think I got out a “Can you handle it? I’m-“ She corrects and says “WE’RE busy.”

Anyways, I wake up in the morning and she’s making breakfast. Awesome. I come out wrapped up in a blanket and she says, “Next time, will you make waffles?” And I did.

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