How are you feeling.....politically?

I feel fine. I’m a liberal and Trump is awful but honestly he’s revealing a lot of loopholes and flaws in our govt. I’ve always said I can’t fault a person for exploiting a loophole. Kardashians want to gain a sliver of pennies hawking appetite suppressant lollipops, if it’s legal then sure they’re pieces of shit, but the law is what’s letting them. Same goes for politics.

Not to say Trump has only operated within loopholes. He’s committed legitimate crimes and should be impeached and convicted.

But again, he’s being impeached and by the time his trial finishes in the Senate we’ll be voting him out and hopefully prosecuting him as a regular citizen. If not, he gets away, and again, that’s finding a loophole. I can live with that as long as Americans see the problem and vote to address it.

/r/AskReddit Thread