How are we supposed to pay rent when the cost of living has gone up more than wages? This is pushing me away from conservatism.

960 can get you a room in the better neighborhoods (North Brooklyn) as 1/3 in a roommate situation. But I digress. Overall, I’m just having a hard time believing this all. I lived off my GI Bill BAH after leaving the service. I made it happen. I’ve seen people do it with families. It’s not ideal, or always with the best comforts. But this raging economic populism, usually directed as contempt with the upper classes, has seemed disingenuous to me.

I would personally like to live in a better economy too. I’d like to be able to invest more of my money in ETFs and max out my retirement contributions. But I’m not going to distort the situation to demand higher wages or other bad ideas like “unrealized capital gains” taxes, that only hurt the average populace who’s already being taxed by inflation and rabid spending.

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