How is art career not "living off others" while doing very pleasurable activities?

True artists constantly challenge assumptions and hold up a mirror to society. This is an undervalued service of nearly invisable sacrifice. When they hold that mirror, they dont do so outward facing, showing only others, but rather they hold the mirror up with themselves largest in the frame, exposing themselves first.

Your writing holds multiple challengable assumptions and shortcuts in thinking in each sentence or question. (There are three large ones in your title alone) You are also not placing yourself in the reflection of the mirror you are attempting to hold. This makes it really difficult for others (esp artists) to respond to you. There is a bit of a Plato's Cave situation happening.

If you were one of my students, and you were serious, i would ask you to create and present a one hundred hour piece, mulling on these questions while working, and then write out these questions again.

/r/Art Thread