How is Assassins Creed flopping so hard

Like Hitman is all about blending into crowds and dressing like giant chickens.

Haha, kind of but not really. Have you played all or most of the Hitman games? Theres a really good storyline there. They make you sympathize with this cloned killing machine, who despite his cold calculating voice and deadly efficiency, actually has humour, charm and in the end, a very human heart beating in his chest.

Even the biggest Assassin's Creed fans don't care for the story.

I wouldn't say so. The story hooked me to AC. It just got very ridiculous. I stopped playing BECAUSE the story got shit and overly contrived, because after several iterations the gameplay became very, very stale. AC is more about blending into crowds than Hitman IMO, and in the nwer ones following people, hiding in shrubs, etc.... its simply not fun. What was interesting was the kind-of realistic take on how this could be possible; "DNA memories", you get in a machine and dream your ancestors memories. Its cool, its interesting, they just never had a good idea of where they wanted to go with the whole templars vs assassins thing in the endgame.

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