How The Attorney General Stacked An Independent Tribunal With His Liberal Mates

This is very relevant to now,

Brandis attempted to reduce separation of powers by gate keeping legal advice for govt and departments (which he has been foundf to mislead parliament over)

Allegations have now emerged that he did so in order to direct hem away from a Lawyer unwilling to forgo the interests of a client to argue a case in a way that would best serve Brandis personal interest.

The spectre is that Brandis may have attempted to become gate keeper in order to funnel requests to those willing to put Brandis personal agenda and Brandis best interests before those of the law.

This man is alleged to have attempted to control access to rule of Law to twist it to his personal agenda, and manipulate eh arguments the courts might here.

This amounts a to a direct attack on democracy IMO

And this is very important, it now seems to me that he must have been acting with the approval of the Australian Liberal Party, not rogue as once thought. Having allegedly attempted to overthrow the law and seek power for himself he is not even in gaol while the allegations are being investigated.

Around a billion dollars. And he still enjoys the support of Malcolm Turnbull.

all unqualified IMO

/r/australia Thread Link -