How to avoid false rape accusations

men and women get it just as bad

I never made this claim. You are just looking for things to argue about by putting words in other peoples mouths. My point is it doesn't matter who has it worse, the implication is you don't care about victims on the other side.

Rape itself is horrible regardless of your gender, but pretending like men have to be afraid of rape and the culture surrounding it like women do is disingenuous.

Again, why is this a dick measuring contest. Rape is bad. What is gained exactly from saying rape is bad but men do most of the raping? In what way is that possibly constructive? Murder is largely gendered, in fact all violent crime is largely gendered. But when a guy gets murdered by a woman you don't go off saying that it doesn't matter as much because most murders are men and that man didn't have to live in fear of being murdered the way women do.

Yet, we're supposed to care equally as much about rape as false rape accusations?

No but you are supposed to actually care about it to some degree. Someone saying false rapes happen is not saying rapes don't happen or saying we shouldn't take rape victims seriously. Even if the most conservative figure of 2% of rapists in jail are falsely accused, that is still a large number of people in our criminal justice system who are victims of a crime with zero recourse.

The justice system isn't kind to women who get raped either; but all I hear on this site is how men are doomed as soon as they're accused.

Here is an example of a man who was put in jail by false accusation of rape, his name was release he lost his job, a lot of bad things happened to this guy. The woman who accused him of rape got 32 days in jail and probation and monitoring. I want the justice system improved for both women and men who are victims of rape and for both women and men who are falsely accused of rape.

I agree that more rapes happen than false rapes. And it is fair to say more resources should be allocated to assist rape victims than to deal with victims of false accusation. But I don't agree that people who take the issue of false rape seriously should be silenced and written off as women haters. And that is frankly what happens a lot on this site.

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