How do beauty standards affect your makeup?

I went to middle school/high school in a small town, and the beauty standard for white girls was “thin, tan, and long blonde hair”. I didn’t fit this standard and was bullied, and it deeply affected my self esteem. I wanted to change my appearance but my family didn’t that support that. When I graduated college, I finally had an income and was independent. I started tanning in a tanning bed and did that for about 2 years. I received more positive attention on my looks when I was tan than I ever had in my entire life. I truly believed I was more beautiful because other people said so.

At 24, I had 2 precancerous moles removed from my body.

I remember sitting there in the doctor’s office thinking what an idiot I am for hurting myself to achieve beauty standards that aren’t made for me. Now I work everyday on loving myself for who I am and what I’m given.

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