How do you become a better carry?

TL;DR Ignore everything that unr4v3l said and go watch BSJ's or Purge's replay coaching on youtube.


First of all: Reported!

Secondly. Everything said is the opposite of good carry or just answers nothing. I'll try to explain few things but basically this guy just made a comment that sounds smart but has no practical use.


A pussy early game (yeah you don't go fight early, unless you are Ursa or WK or something).

Not true. You should use your opponent's mistakes and punish for going out of position. And if by saying fight you mean TP somewhere and fight you named top 2 heroes that should not do that.


Just farm until you get your core items first. And know when to fight/get objectives, don't just blindly farm until your power peak's gone.

Contradiction. How can I be pussy just farm until core items and at the same time not just blindly farm and know when to take fights? And what are core the items? That could be PT + Aghs + Blink as well as Phase + Aquila + Stick.


A selfish player. Take all farms. You'll be blamed harder if late game you can't make impact. So if people try to ks just to complete their core (most times it's blink or ward), no you should be selfish here.

Okay, that is when you get to LP. Carry is not a rajah who make everyone to dance around him. If you sacrifice your team's GPM to have bigger GPM yourself you suck as a carry. What you should do is take the most dangerous place to farm that you can farm safely and by doing this help your team. You farm enemy jungle not because you are so cool haha cant catch me. You do this to farm resource that your team cant afford to farm and leave them resource they can. That may blow up original comment author's head but if your support cant finish a Dagger and that Dagger is important just guide him through the jungle and let him last hit neutrals for 1 minute. That way you help your team and show your love to supports the same time. By doing this you have much higher chances to win than if you would casually run by and finish that poor CM's neutrals.


There are more things to say but generally just ignore all that unr4v3l said and you won't lose anything.

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