How to become more 'sparkly'?

I actually wrote and deleted a comment that was about how I liked the word sparkly because its nicer than the word intimidating and actually reminds me of vampires, the fantasty creatures I adore, but then I got distracted and drifted off from the actual matter.

So, in my case, I think why I sparkle (I love this word) is my body language. I naturally have an “invasive” body language. It’s not natural for women to have an invasive body language, but I naturally just place my legs and arms further apart, I love making eye contact, I love making physical contact. When I started noticing how I my body language was affecting people, I started paying attention to it and altering it. For example, I’m always keeping my back straight. My chin is up, my shoulders sway subtly when I walk, I take long and strong steps, I never walk faster and slower than people but I’m always half a step ahead of them. I’m always on the ohysical center of large groups. I sit straight and always push my shoulders to the back. My facial expression is also another thing. I have a natural resting bitch face, which means I don’t really need to work on anything about my expression but I try to not frown, I just leave my expression blank, if you understand what I mean.

These things combined, you have a very powerful aura because people are not used to seeing invasive body language simply because they don’t pay attention to how they use their bodies and as a result, their bodies kind of wiggle, they look weak. But when you demonstrate strength on a physical level, they think you’re strong in a mental level too. Which results in you alluring them.

Basically, learn about body language. Learn how to use your facial expressions. Especially your eyes. Eye muscles are keys to unlocking the secrets of people. I can’t prove it throught the internet, but people always pay attention to me when I enter a room, they turns their heads to me, they look at me, they watch me when I walk or talk, etc. I’m also told that I intimidate them. It’s jus ta combination of body language and expressions but they’re yet to discover them. This comment sounds like and edgy “I can cut you with my sword and perform the darkest magic rituals.” kind of thing but seriously, its only about body language. We’re not making spells here, your body is the best spell you can learn how to control. Use it.

/r/entj Thread