How Britain Got China Hooked on Opium I Empires of Dirt (2021) [00:05:26]

Does it mention that more slaves moved from Africa to the Middle East then to British colonies?

Your first sentence is bollocks. I'd be fascinated to hear if this ever happened but it definitely wasn't the norm.

This doesn't counter my point in the slightest. Its just whataboutism to try and argue another people did a bad thing so the bad thing under discussion is OK.


Again - your point that African slaves came via the middle east is utter nonsense.

That's called a strawman. Its a debating fallacy used by children and clowns. They remined in the middle east.

its the act of actually throwing a net over someone that is bad, not trading them like livestock

The distinction between capturing someone to enslave them, then sell them as slaves is what exactly?

Welcome to the block list muppet.

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