How was a burger and fries at McDonalds before they turned it into a huge corporate franchise Mcshithole?

They used to put bone marrow in the grease to cook and flavor the fries, they were very, very good, like crack. IIRC they quit doing it to appease the vegetarians, mind you this was before veganism became a household word.

The burgers were still meat discs, but they were never microwaved. They were made and sat on a warmer rack, managers really had to stay on top of when it was going to be busy. Custom orders was a mandatory 10-minute or longer wait, as they would have to cook your burger from scratch. Flavor-wise not a lot has changed but they were just better back then. Recently I had an Angus Western BBQ burger when they had them and it was the best burger I ever had from McD's.

The ice cream machine always worked, too.

/r/AskOldPeople Thread