How to call out catcallers? I was walking home one night when a repulsive human being in a taxi started shouting at me repeatedly, “hey baby get inside”. I feel so mad that I didn’t tell him off.

I mean, I hear what you're saying but I'm sorry, it doesn't cut it when I know that I would intervene where possible, and I'm a 5'nothing woman. And yes, I would intervene if the target was a man and it was safe to do so.

I get and accept that someone will need to assess the risk and may come to the conclusion that immediate intervention will endanger themselves or the target or bystanders and is unsafe, so ok. But I found it very shabby that not a single man in the vicinity asked me if I was all right or offered to get security or call the police or whatever even after the offenders had driven away. A woman did. More than likely because she knows what it feels like.

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