How can we all get along in a way that isn't fake?

Stop caring about what other people prefer on things that don't matter to you.

Dude likes to bang other dudes? Cool, not for me but why should I hate on them for it?

Woman likes to wear a shawl because of her beliefs? Sounds great, why would it matter to me? I don't wear them.

Dude has dark skin? Alright, I'm white... and that matters, how?

Person believes in a particular belief? Fair enough, I don't believe in the same things but you do you.

If everyone would just chill and work on real problems in the world like poverty, mental health, greed, and corruption - the world would be a far better place. I'll never understand why people care so much about what others look like, believe, fuck, or wear when it doesn't have any effect on their own lives.


/r/AskReddit Thread