How can we as a community help stop political and religious "terrorism" and violence??

Abraham Lincoln was a fuck, and it's apparent that your ideas on Ghandi and king are warped, sir. Personally, I don't give a shit about anyone's struggle, they bring it upon themselves by adhering to society and or exploiting faults in it. I don't care if Ghandi didn't fix everything, he did something, and that's enough. Same goes for King Jr. You aren't grasping the aspects of history I am referring to. If people want to live in chaos in India, that's their choice, or they can fight back. I really don't care, I have my own struggle that I'm working towards ending. And the blacks of america? I have nothing to say on that other than pigs will be pigs and money will always breed greed. China and north Korea are terrible places. I can use their names how ever I choose in context with communism because they're after all, misguided attempts. Extreme Socialism is an experiment and nothing more. They failed at it because of their unwillingness to try reform. You're a bastards, plain and simply. I'm being civil here, I could totally flame the fuck out of you, but I'm not, you know why? Because you don't know me and I don't know you. I have more knowledge of history than you can even guess, and wether I view it as relevant to the message that o am trying to put forth or not is irrelevant. Common names and places always get more attention than bringing up something only a few people know about. Most are unwilling to learn and unwilling to care. I guess you don't know that? Now, I know Lincoln didn't free the slaves single handedly. That was a ploy to uproot the work force of the south and to give the north one more reason to fight. Ghandi didn't make India a fucking utopia but he helped kick out the British Imperialists and put an end to the caste system so people could have a living chance. king didn't change the American view on racism, but together with a lot of other people he fave it a good fucking go and it still resonates within a lot of people that that happened. They changed things with the people that they were fighting for and against. They gave us models to learn from and to improve upon. They didn't fix everything I say again, you're right and so am I. I already knew this stuff.

/r/Anarchism Thread