How can I convince my male friends that misandrists don't exist and that there are no women who wish men to be harmed?

Okay so there's a really obvious thing that you have lots of examples of but you can't think of any right now or you just can't link to them? Because I've been hanging out on this sub for a while and I see a lot of accusations similar to yours but for some reason they never seem to be able to link to any examples. Isn't that strange? Don't you think a lot of super obvious misandry would have loads of examples? I can think of easily like 10 examples of racism on the right off the top of my head, since that's the example you chose. I'd be happy to link them to you if you'd like. But you can't find a single example of misandry here despite posting a whole rant about it.

Look dude. I don't owe you any citations or examples. I will do whatever I want. By the way, you didn't even provide those 10 examples of racism that you said, so don't be a fucking hipocrite. Your first paragraph is pathetic.

And just as an FYI, it's pretty disgusting to compare being queer to incest.

It's not my fault that you are a bigot, man. I mean, if you are so interested in what consenting adults do in their privacy, it might be because you never have an orgasm. I don't know, maybe try to be more attractive and maybe one day, you finally find someone who you don't cause erectile disfunction.

Enjoy your CPTSD! I'm glad you have it, and you truly deserve it! :-)

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