How can I (F17) tell my boyfriend (M19) I'm HIV positive BY BIRTH? (undetectable/healthy)

However, if/when I tell him

Notice how you added "IF" to the mix? So no, it's possible you're considering to never even tell him. Your post is just very confusing. Your title calls him boyfriend, but your post says you are just casually see each other. Even more weird to expose a "casual partner" to HIV.

I work with psychiatric patients, one of them got HIV and gets meds. He has to get checked by a doctor every single month. Do you get tested every single month?

You literally called it "enjoying myself with someone I'm fond of". You and this guy don't even sound serious. You're only 17 and you'll probably date many other guys. I don't see at all how hiding your diagnis from a casual/serious partner has anything to do with your future and your kids and husbands.

There's not a single way you can justify having sex with someone without disclosing them about your STD, especially HIV.

> Even if the risk is as low as 30%.

You call 30% low???? That's fucking high. People sometimes even combine condoms and the pill to avoid pregnancy while the chances to get preg are less than 1% with the pill. So the chance of 30% to give someone else HIV is incredibly high to the average person.

Stop playing the victim. You're 17 and acting incredibly stupid. You risk giving someone else an incurable disease for the rest of their lives which will impact their life greatly. Stop being selfish as hell and only thinking about your own pleasures and future plans. Do you really think this dude is gonna stay with you if he'd find out you got HIV and you've been fucking him without telling him from the start?

Jesus christ, you seriously need some therapy or whatever. In most countries not telling your partner about your HIV can even be criminal. Wouldn't be surprised if he'd charge you when he finds out, this is fucked on so many levels. If you even remotely care about this guy, you would either tell him or stop the sex at least. Fuck. I hope this is a shit post or a troll.

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