How can I (F22) tell if and when I should end my relationship with M/20? Unsure if I am truly happy but can't decide on how to move forward.

Before i broke up with my ex I had a sudden realization and said to myself “If Im truly happy, then why do I always ask myself if I am”. And I realized I hadnt been truly happy for a while. I was always irritated around him and i felt fake around him sometimes. We were best friends but there were things that I couldnt look past. He was very critical of people for very shallow reasons. And I realized there were a lot of qualities that I couldnt live with, and I didnt have the emotional energy to ask him to change and wait and see if he actually would. I realized it wasnt fair to either of us for me to continue to sit on the fence of our relationship and weigh the pros and cons. Thats not how love works. Love is passionate, sometimes boring but harmonious, its little things that add up over time. But sometimes the bad eventually out ways the good, and you find yourself weighing the pros and cons. But you dont love him anymore. You should let both of you free.

/r/relationship_advice Thread