How can I make him want me so bad it hurts?

I don't think any of that will work. If you're cute, good in bed and not nauseating to spend time around, you'll be on his mind. I hate to say this, but women can't manipulate men the way that men manipulate women. Mostly because men exploit women's low self esteem with the kinds of emotional manipulation you're describing. However, women aren't generally interested in men with low self esteem, so these kinds of mind games are just annoying and will put a confident (i.e. attractive) man right off you.

I get that you just want to feel powerful and desirable, but I believe the best way to do that is to have a stable and healthy committed relationship. I've never seen a woman able to wrap casual partners around their little finger through mind games. What works on you won't work on him.

/r/AskMen Thread