How can you learn a language better ?

When I was a kid a cousin took her own life, I don't remember much, and to be honest I wasn't even close to her, but now I'm almost 30 and suicidal myself, I
empathize with her.

I remember family talking how ungrateful she were, she had anything she wanted and yaddah, yaddah. You know, sometimes depression is worse than death, sometimes being alive is not worth, nobody want a loved one to die, is sad, is hard, but sometimes life is not worth, just like someone with a terminal illness, sometimes dying is better than a life with pain, and the worst part of depression is, you don't even get well most of the time, at best you know "how to deal with it", but is a daily fight that for some people is just not worth fighthing.

I don't know if his dad had treatment, or how long he had depression, but at least, he's not suffering anymore, sometimes is hard to accept that a loved one is not there anymore, but a life full of pain is worse than being death.

/r/AskReddit Thread