How can the military operate when the goal is zero emissions?

Do you have any idea what the US does with their air supremacy? Like, right now? Not trying to make excuses for China here, but you can't say that this is a problem exclusive to some countries. Given the chance, any country will terrorise others with their military.

Everyone needs to disarm. Not "They first", because that's exactly what "they" say as well. If we continue expanding the militaries, not only will we be further increasing emissions, something far worse is bound to happen as well: It just takes a little push of the wrong button, a slight misunderstanding or simply a tantrum by a certain orange individual (or his North Korean/Russian/Chinese counter part) and most of civilisation will be wiped out. The chance of a nuclear war happening are higher than ever. If we don't do something about it first, it's gonna be even worse than climate change could ever be.

Just gonna drop this link here as well, because I think it's relevant:

This does not apply only to nukes though, any weapon can be used to wipe out people. Nukes are just the most efficient way.

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