How can us newbies be sensitive to those of you who have been around for a while?

That's an awesome question! I think it might be hard to explain without personally experiencing it, but I am gonna try because I really appreciate you asking. Just imagine you are 12 months out from a miscarriage, and nothing is happening. you have just gotten a negative pregnancy test for the countless time. You have a friend on FB whom you kiiiinda know and they announce their pregnancysaying something to the effect of "OMG SOOOO BLESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ....then the baby comes. guess what? You are STILL not pregnant. They post things like "now I TRULY know what love is" "I am so happy to have completed my family" and just endless photos of their baby. Meanwhile you are getting twanded, taking shots, meds, FORCING yourself into timed sex for the umpteenth time. I get the vibe from a lot of pregnant women and mothers that we just can't know that true love unless you have birthed a baby. But I feel it when I take a shot, or force myself to message my RE on yet another CD 1 or sob to my husband for the millionth time in the middle of the night.

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